
Open until 6:00 PM

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  • Monday - Thursday10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
  • Friday - Saturday10:00 AM - 9:00 PM
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Published: 08/10/2023

For Immediate Release

August 10th, 2023


Jayden Hamilton, Marketing Director

845.267.7600 Ext. 16

[email protected] 



Tykes Tuesday all Together; Grand Finale Mall Scavenger Hunt and Back-To-School Drive


Poughkeepsie, NY – Tykes Tuesday, a series of 7 events hosted at the Poughkeepsie Galleria by tenants and other local businesses, has returned for the first time in over 5 years in 2023. The events so far, including pizza making, arts and crafts, parkour classes, and team mystery solving, have been so impactful on the community, that Poughkeepsie Galleria has decided to coordinate an ADDITIONAL Tykes Tuesday event on Tuesday, Aug. 29th, 2023 at 11am in the DSW/Regal Hallway. 


Hosted by the Poughkeepsie Galleria, Fit and Fun Playscapes, Lo’Kel-Li Vendor Market, Target, and M.A.R.C.S Friends, this event will take Tykes Tuesday to the next level. Families will have the opportunity to complete a mall-wide scavenger hunt to 12 stores, followed by cookie decorating, and prize giveaways. Members from team K104 will also be making a special appearance to support the cause. 


This “Tykes Tuesday all Together” event, was named to celebrate the tenants who have hosted the preceding Tykes Tuesday events, as well as emphasize Poughkeepsie Galleria’s commitment to the community. That being said, this grand finale event also duplicates as a back-to-school drive. Families are encouraged to bring a back-to-school item (sneakers, clothes, snacks, books, etc.) to donate to M.A.R.C.S Friends to participate in this final event. 


“Children need to have many opportunities to play, explore and move to properly develop their bodies and brains. A colorful, interactive scavenger hunt in a bright, clean, secure environment, like at the Poughkeepsie Galleria, is the perfect place for families to enjoy this event while supporting local retailers”, says Pamela Gunther, CEO of Fit and Fun Playscapes. Tykes Tuesday all Together will be for children, adults, and families of all abilities to come enjoy the final bits of Summer. If you, or your business would like to participate by donating items, please contact Jayden Hamilton as soon as possible. To register as an event participant, please visit Tykes Tuesday – Poughkeepsie Galleria (poughkeepsiegalleriamall.com)

Please share your photos and videos from this event on our social media platforms; Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok! We look forward to seeing you there!